Thursday, January 3, 2013

Time for a change

{ Out with the old and in with the FUN }

As hard as it may be to accept sometimes, our little boy is growing up. He is now fully toilet trained day and night. We are so incredibly proud of his achievement.

We no longer needed his change table anymore and I was going to give it to charity...UNTIL my crafty instincts went into overdrive. I saw (again on pinterest) a really cool artwork station that was made from an old cot. This gave me the idea to try it with his change table.

So off to Masters we went. We got some wood to block in the open areas, paint, chalk board paint (my new favourite craft accessory), paint chips and liquid nails.

I am so happy with the outcome of this conversion. Mr X LOVES it and it's a great way to store all his artwork needs.

Here are a few images..

Complete with pencils, textas, crayons, chalk, a chalk board, stickers, stamps, lots of scrap paper and some scissors and glue...

It's the MOST wonderful time of the year.

{Cards, baking, making and so much more}

Like most of you I simply adore christmas. I love the family traditions that come with that magical day. Now that I have my own little family I am busy creating new traditions for them as well as including my own precious memories. 

This year we put up the christmas tree whilst listening to christmas carols, had our annual santa photo done, wrote our christmas wish lists together, we did christmas lights, christmas carols, we made reindeer sleds, christmas finger print cards and we made special reindeer food. 
My favourite part of all was on christmas eve, it was absolutely magic seeing the excitement in their eyes. We sprinkled the reindeer food outside, got the cookies, carrots and milk ready and read our christmas book together. Once they were sound asleep my HUGE job of wrapping all those special presents began. Every year I do this while I watch the christmas carols on TV, my poor husband is usually in the shed constructing something, this year it was a bike.

I hope you all had a wonderful christmas that was filled with lots of love and happiness.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A trip down memory lane..

{Polly Pocket}

Boy did I just travel down memory lane !!

We were cleaning out the shed and we a box labelled "Erin". When I opened it up all my memories came rushing back. I found my beautiful teddies that my parents had bought me from the Melbourne markets, my old science kit, my gorgeous black doll named Chloe, my pom poms from my cheerleading days and of course my Cabbage Patch kid, Heath Charles. The child in me was so excited to find all of these treasures, obviously the first thing I did was grab my camera to take some shots.

Here are my much loved Polly Pockets:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Christmas Time...

{Reindeer Cookies}

I love this time of the year. Everything feels so magical and as a parent it is even more beautiful to watch children's joy.

Mr Lachlan has been coming home with a lot of christmas cards from his class mates and to accompany the cards is a candy cane, so many candy canes in this house right now.
This year I wanted to do something a bit different. So Lachlan and I (mostly me..Lachlan is feeling very unmotivated at the moment) set about making some cute little Reindeer Cookies.

Here is the end result. Lachlan was thrilled with them and couldn't wait to give them out to his class mates. I too was pleased because they didn't take too long at all !!!! (especially cause I had to make 30)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Colour My World

{Colour Explosion}

Well this project surely brought out the child in me. It was so much fun to do and super easy. Again it caught my eye on Pinterest with all the gorgeous colours. I did mine on a slightly smaller scale but still had the same colorful effect. I used 53 crayons all together but I did double up on my favorite colours. All you need is:

~ Canvas Boards
~ Hair Dryer
~ Enough crayons for your board
~ Hot Glue gun to glue yours crayons on
~ A hair dryer

Lachlan loved looking at all the colours too. Here are some pictures:

I needed an extra hand here..Thank you to my ever so patient husband (There is only so many crazy ideas he can handle) 

*SQUEAL* I LOVE all these colours...

So this is proudly hanging on the wall like one of my children's artworks would haha.
Cant wait for my next project now xx

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bath Time Fun

{Shaving Cream~ Bath Tub Fun}

Again I was on "Pinterest" and I found this really cool idea. My boys have never had so much fun at bath time. Trust me this was a VERY messy occasion. But im sure these are the best times. Lachlan enjoyed painting pictures and mixing colours and Xavier enjoyed using the paint brush, painting his brother and sticking his hands into the shaving cream.

The Palette: I used a muffin tin with shaving cream squirted into it and a small amount of food colouring in it.

 Paint Brushes: The idea I saw on "Pinterest" was to use thick brushes. I didnt have any of these so I had to use thinner brushes.
The Easel: Our bath of course !!

Artists: My clever, artistic boys :)

(Excuse the quality of the photos they were taken on my phone..ALOT of supervision was needed for this task so I couldn't use my big camera)

Much more fun with my hands

My brother painted me instead of the bath


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lovely Lunch

{What's for lunch Mum}


It's been a while since I last blogged but boy have things been busy around here. This is a brief look at what I have been up to in the last few weeks.

1. A poor little man with very sore gums

2. Planning a "Ninja Party" for a very special soon to be 6 year old

3. Designing my new business logo

4. Putting together "client welcome packs"...I have another wedding booked (YAY!!)

5. Catching up with friends and family

and most of all spending time with the most important people in my boys 

Something else I have been working on is creating beautiful food for my boys and presenting in a fun way so they enjoy eating it, whilst still eating all the healthy stuff too.
I still vividly remember my school lunches. My mum put so much effort into it and it's not until I have had my own children that I realised how lucky I was, mind you at the time I thought I was deprived because i didn't get to have packets of chips or roll ups like the other kids.
I guess I knew I was on the right track with Lachlan when he said to me
"I have the BEST lunches ever"...
I also find the mornings can be a bit hectic for us so I try to have it organized the night before and I freeze his wraps/croissants/cheese and bacon rolls so I don't have to make them of a morning.

Here is a peak at what Mr L. has for his lunches.

Some how all of that is packed into his little top gear case and off he goes. At school they always have a separate piece of fruit and they have that for "fruit snack" at school at about 10am. He loves his tinned pears and mandarins at the moment.

Will be back later to show you all my new business logo.