My 365 Day Photo Adventure

{Day 43}

Just a quick photo today. We have to get to school nice and early to get a park. Today Xavie entertained himself with Lachlan's IPOD. He was singing BOOM BOOM POW so loud. It was very cute, I love listening to him sing new songs.

{Day 42}

Lately I have been feeling very overwhelmed. I feel like I have so much to get through yet not enough time to get it done (the story of most peoples lives). Mr Xavie is home with me all the time and I love having him home with me, but its so hard not getting distracted by the jobs over everyday life. 
I needed a day with Xavie, where it was just me and his and no surrounding technology. I decided to take my little man to the lake.  We took a picnic, played in the park, walked around the lake and played with a DUCK !!!
Thats right a duck.. Xavie had fallen asleep, so I laid out the picnic rug and closed my eyes to take a breather. I felt a strange nudge right up against me and I was seriously scared. I looked down and there was a little duck all snuggled up next me !! Not something I was expecting at all. I named her Jemima. Jemima was so adorable, she would have something to eat and then come back and snuggle up next to me. I thought for sure when Xavier woke up that she would be scared off but she wasn't. She let Xavier pat her as he tried to feed her popcorn. After a few hours it was time to get Lachlan from school, he found it very amusing that I had snuggled with a duck today. 

{Day 41}

Very early morning rise today. Graham had a game at Ipswich, the boys are were so tired from a big weekend but it's always worth going to baseball. I love watching Graham play and I love catching up with friends too. 
When we got home it was off to our friends 16th birthday party. The boys had a blast playing on the slip and slide they had set up. Water play and ice cream cake, who could ask for anything more.

{Day 40}

Early morning game of Rookie ball this morning. Lachlan pitched today and he did very well. He won the pizza award too. 
We finished the day with a lovely dinner with our friends from baseball, our boys watched a movie while we played a board game. Graham, the boys and I had a wonderful night with them.

{Day 39}

My big boy is so tired, 2nd week back at school and we are also back to baseball and Tball. He also started swimming lessons today as well. Lots of rest for my boy this weekend.

{Day 38}

The boys love playing together (most of the time). This week they are enjoying playing with their aeroplanes. In this next shot they were flying the planes up and over the "mountain".

{Day 37}

Time for a change.. Today marks a day of change, my husband started his new job as Club Manger of Jetts today. Im so proud of him and I hope he loves it !!

{Day 36}

My man !! My world.. I love this man of mine so much, he doesn't usually like having his photo taken but I was testing out my studio lighting and he kindly stepped in to be my subject.

{Day 35}

I had a sick little boy today. I knew he wasn't himself when he grabbed his blanket and snuggled up in our bed at 10am in the morning. Lots of Mummy cuddles today.

{Day 34}

Lachlan is learning all about poems at school this week. He sat down this morning and came up with this little poem all by himself, I was so proud of him. He drew a little picture and decided to give it to his teacher. She loved it and hung it in the classroom.

{Day 33}

Lachlan loves reading to himself, I caught this quick snap of him reading before he went to bed. He loved telling me all about Fossifoo when he finished.

{Day 32}

First night back at Tball tonight. Lachlan had a great time but I also have a little man that is absolutely itching to play too. He had his helmet on and was ready to bat. It's very hard to explain to a stubborn nearly 3 year old that you need to be bigger to play.

{Day 31}

I absolutely LOVE these next photos. Perhaps it's because I hope I have a budding little photographer on my hands. I was doing some head shots for a client today and Xavier was watching. After the client left Xavier wanted a turn of my camera (that wasn't going to happen !!) So I got an old camera for him to practise with. He loved it and was taking photos for the rest of the day.

{Day 30}

We did a little bit of creating today while Lachlan was at school. Pastel art with cotton tips, we loved all the different colours to choose from.

{Day 29}

Ahhh..I knew he was just a little too quiet :) At least his legs were nice and moisturised, he loves getting into all my creams and potions.

{Day 28}

My not so little boy was off to school today for his first day of Grade 2. I absolutely love having Lachlan home with me, but he was looking forward to going back to school to play with all his friends. 
I love looking back on his previous school photos and I thought I would share them with you.

{Day 27}

Today we had planned to go the beach and have a family picnic. Mother nature had other plans though.

{Day 26}

I love my boys dearly but boy there are a strange species. They love to wrestle all the time, its like the urge to wrestle is just built in. Xavie is a little tough nut and likes to get in with Graham and Lachlan and have a good wrestle too. Here is a quick snap of a wrestle in action.

{Day 25}

Just a quick shot of Xavie today. He has been waking up at 5am every morning and coming into our bed, luckily he is still sleepy and goes back to sleep until 7. I managed to get this quick snap of him this morning. 

{Day 24}

Graham and I have been very fortunate to have a massage therapist come to our house every week. He is Aaamazing !! He really knows what he is doing, I had terrible traps and I was getting headaches all the time. Since having our weekly massage I have felt alot better. 
When we first started Xavie was very curious as to what we were doing. It didn't take long before he wanted to have one done too. So now Xavie has a little 5 minute massage after we are finished. He loves it and lays perfectly still while the therapist massages him. He loved it so much today that he fell asleep, it was so cute.

{Day 23}

Lachlan wanted to practise some drawing so I got out the easels and we were all busy creating master pieces. Ive never been very good at drawing and I cant say I really enjoy it either. Lachlan doesn't particularly like it either but we definitely had fun creating today. Xavie loves to draw and he has the best imagination. He likes drawing fish, boats, faces and cars.

{Day 22}

Lachlan is a huge fan of the Guinness world record books, he got the latest one for christmas and we have been slowly making our way through it. We were reading it the other night and Lachlan said to me " Daddy could easily beat that", so before we knew it we were planning our own Guinness world record competition. We did sorting jelly babies, sorting smarties and blowing malteser's, we didn't even come close to the world records but it sure was fun trying.

{Day 21}

I like to have some special one on one time with both my boys. It's become a bit harder to achieve this with Lachlan, he is so busy with school, baseball and karate. Today we had a free day so we headed off to have some time together.
Our first stop was the movies, we watched Parental Guidance. Lachlan loved it and so did I, it was a very funny movie. We also headed to games world and then stopped off for some lunch. 
I love hanging out with my big boy, I cant believe how quickly the years are just flying by. Time is just so incredibly precious.
(Again please excuse the photo..My nikon D7000 may have looked a little odd in the movies)

{Day 20}

We were all feeling pretty tired today after our big day out in the sun and sand yesterday. A little while ago I bought some face paints so today I go them out and we had a little play. Graham painted my face too (Im not sure what I am??), the boys had a good laugh watching me.


{Day 19}

Today we headed down to the Gold Coast to meet Graham's parents. They were competing in the Surf to City sailing race. Graham has been looking forward to this for quite some time.When we arrived we had a lovely cooked breakfast and then headed down to the marina to watch them sail away. 
My Dad came down with us so we decided to head to the beach for a while. The boys LOVE the beach, I love watching some so simple bring them so much joy. Lachlan went in with Dad and tried to catch all the big waves in and Xavie and I sat in the sand and made sandcastles.

{Day 18}

I cant believe my little boy is going in the Grade 2 this year. Where on earth does the time go?
I ordered Lachlan's book pack some time ago but I finally got around to contacting them. Lachlan and Xavier were very keen to help. After helping cover 1 book the novelty had worn off very quickly (for me too). I love my little boys imaginations, they can make a game of anything. In this case it was the left over contact that became armor for their ninja battles. They played ninja's for quite a while which was good for me as I was able to get a few more books covered. This was fantastic game until Lachlan realized that perhaps it wasn't the best idea to stick the contact to the side of his head on his hair. Lets just say getting the contact off wasn't as easy as he had expected. Oh dear !!!!

{Day 17}

Xavier is really going to miss Lachlan when he goes back to school. He loves following Lachlan around the house, copying his every move. Lachlan is very much into being "cool" at the moment. We like to wear our snap back, our shorts low and just act like a cool dude would. So now I have two little cool dudes walking around my house. 
I have just finished all Lachlan's school shopping and I bought them both new lunch packs. They both love them and have added them to their cool dude accessories list. 


{Day 16}

Xavier has decided that he is not quite sure if he wants his lunch time sleep or not. He wakes up an hour into it and he is so incredibly cranky and irritable. Normally a good Mummy cuddle will fix everything but today he wanted Daddy. Graham sat with him on the couch and before we knew it he was sound asleep in Graham's arms, not too long after Graham was having a little doze too. I managed to snap this sweet photo of them both. I love these sweet moments we get with our children.


{Day 15}

Lachlan made a little list of things he wanted to do these school holidays. One of the things on his list was bowling. Xavier has watched bowling before but he hasn't played an actual game until today. They were both so excited when we got there and they couldn't wait to put their shoes on and pick a ball to use. Xavier's feet looked so little and cute in his bowling shoes. 
We all had a great time bowling, Daddy won, Lachlan came second, Mummy third and Xavie fourth. 
They also had some school holiday celebrations happening, so Xavie had his face painted as a puppy and Lachlan had a snake painted on his arm. 

{Day 14}

Today we did some box construction. Lachlan loves creating things, funnily enough he likes creating technical devices like computers and phone etc. Today he made a phone and a phone cover out of cardboard, he also decorated the phone cover with stickers and drawings. 
Xavie made a Rocket ship (with a little help from Mummy). Our rocket ship went to the moon and made to look for some new friends.

{Day 13}

Graham has been working a lot more lately. The boys are really missing him at the moment. Xavie keeps walking around pretending he is Daddy and Lachlan keeps wanting to do work outs like Daddy does.
I managed to get these quick photos today. Xavie had Graham's bike gloves on and was trying to ride the bike and Lachlan was in the garage with Grahams work out gear, attempting to do sit ups.
I love how much they idolize Graham, it really is beautiful to watch.

{Day 12}

It was good to be home with my babies today. I missed them so much and boy did they miss me too, neither of them wanted to let me go today. I didn't mind though, it's nice to know how much they really appreciate me. We had a fairly relaxed day today, we went for our regular family coffee to Gloria Jeans (the boys have mini chinos) and just enjoyed each others company for the rest of the day.
I got this quick snap of them whilst we were having coffee. I only had my mobile phone with me though so the quality isn't great.

{Day 9, 10 & 11}

Well today was the today to leave my babies and head to Albury for a few nights. My beautiful friend had a baby girl 8 months ago and I cant wait to meet her.
I said my goodbyes to my little boys and headed to the airport with a tear or two in my eyes.
I skyped the boys every night and I talked to the every morning. It still wasn't the same but they all coped very well. As hard as the separation was I am so grateful that I got to see my friends and family after 5 years. Here are a few pictures of my trip :

Such a gorgeous little girl. So excited that I finally got to meet her.

It was so amazing to see her again.. 5 years was way too long xx

{Day 8}

Im heading to Albury tomorrow to visit my beautiful friends. I have mixed emotions about it. I am so incredibly excited to see them (it's been 5 years) but I am also struggling with the thought of leaving my children behind. I know they are in very capable hands but I have never left Xavier before. He is with me ALL the time. Anyway I have made the decision to go so I just need to get on with it and have a fantastic time.

I have organised all their meals while I am away and wanted to get some snacks together too. We decided to make some cupcakes together.
Xavier put all the cupcake liners in, Lachlan put in all the ingredients and they both mixed away. They also thoroughly enjoyed sticking there fingers in to eat the batter.

{Day 7}

JENGA time !! Another childhood favourite was Jenga with my parents. Lachlan and I have been playing for a quite some time but we decided to pull it out again and teach Xavie how to play too.
He did really well with it and we managed to play a whole game, I loved the look of concentration as they were pulling out each block. I could almost see the relief in Xavie's eyes when he pulled it out and put it on the top. After that we lost a little concentration and started building towers instead.

{Day 6}

I decided to make a few loose new years resolutions this year. I say loose because I have great intentions of keeping them but it doesn't always stick. One of my resolutions is playing the piano/keyboard again. I am working on Christina Perri's- A Thousand Years at the moment. Im finding it really hard but I'm loving the challenge.

A few shots of my beautiful piano..

{Day 5}

My perfect little sleeper has decided that he his room is not suitable to sleep in anymore. For todays afternoon sleep he decided he didn't want to sleep but he was so tired. I put his rug on the ground and within 2 minutes he was sound asleep on the floor.
I used this opportunity to spend some time with my big boy. We did some activity books together. I love these next photos of him, we were having so much fun laughing together. I feel so lucky to have two beautiful, caring and loving boys.

We bumped our little lip on Lachlan's bed..He has had a fat lip for a few days now..

{Day 4}

Normally for Lachlan's school holidays I have something organised everyday for him to do. This holidays I had decided to just let him rest and do what he wanted to do. We are so busy when he is at school, with all the baseball and karate, I just felt that he needed some time to do what he wanted.
His favourite down time activity is playing the WII. For christmas he got Skylander giants so he is slowly making his way through the chapters. Lachlan has just one problem though, his little brother is starting to become very inquisitive and thinks it looks like fun playing the WII. So we set up a game with Xavier today and let him have his first trial of the WII. Lachlan was more than happy to share so that made my life easy.

I also wanted to share my awesome new cup. Thank you my man, I LOVE it xx

{Day 3}

Today we went on a road trip to the Sunshine coast for our little friends 3rd birthday party. They have recently just moved away so it was lovely to see them all again. We travelled up with our other friends and went to the beach first. The boys loved it but we didn't have much time before the party so it was just a quick trip to the beach. Im very surprised that in that short amount of time they managed to stay dry. The boys had so much fun at the party, they loved the Nemo cake, the decorations and the party games. It was soon time to make our way home, the boys were exhausted after the party and slept all the way home (so did I). We had a quick dinner, snuggle and book then it was time for bed.

{Day 2}

I simply adore these next images. I feel so lucky that my parents gave me music lessons and that I can sit down and play my piano whenever I want. 
I love that Lachlan enjoys playing the piano so much, I love listening to him play. I came out today to find the two of them sitting at the piano, Lachlan was trying to teach Xavier to play and then he leaned over and gave him a big kiss. 
(Again 2 images instead of 1..Never mind)

{Day 1}

My beautiful boy loves his porridge. Every morning when we get up I will ask him what he wants for breakfast, just incase he changes his mind. Without fail the answer is always porridge !! 
I grabbed this cute little shot of him having his porridge this morning.
I also found out that I am unable to pick up my camera and take just 1 shot, so I will leave you with two for today.

My 365 Day Photo Adventure -

So it begins today !! My 365 day photo journaling project, where I will aim to upload one photo from my day. I have been wanting to do this for a few years now but I have never really "found time" to do it. Well this year I am finding time. At the end of 2013 I  want to look back at all of our wonderful memories and the adventures we have had together. I also just wanted another excuse to pick up my baby, my Nikon D7000. 

So here is hoping that I can commit to it !! For those of you who are checking in regularly thank you and I hope you enjoy my photo journaling of 2013.

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