Saturday, July 2, 2011

Icy Poles

{It's Too Cold..Brr}

My Mr Lachlan is in love with his Icy Poles. When he eats all of his dinner of a night time he gets his special icy pole. The other night he said to me " Mum wouldn't it be AWESOME if you could make your own icy poles"
It reminded me of when i was little and my mum used to make me icy poles, i too thought the concept was "AWESOME" when i was 5. I had a look through our Tupperware cupboard and found the very containers that i had when i was little.  So Lachlan and i set about making our own icy poles. I must say i like this option a whole lot better than the store ones. 
I use 100% fruit juice which is much healthier for my boy. 

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