Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Right before our very eyes..

Im very behind on my blogs but i'm desperately trying to catch up so here we go..

Right before our very eyes our gorgeous Xavier turned 1. The time has flown so quickly, im really trying to make the most of every moment. I have absolutely loved being here with him all the time, i am very lucky to have been able to see all of his achievements. Xavier is a very easy baby and the journey has been smooth. He has achieved so many things this year, smiling, rolling, clapping, giggles, crawling, solids, chatting and climbing. But my favourites would have to be his developing personality, his beautiful smiles and the way he says "Dadda". He loves to watch Lachlan and follow him around and he loves standing at the door and talking to our puppies.

Now on to his PARTY...


I had been planning his party for quite some time. I knew i wanted bunting flags, candy jars, a wow factor cake (with the help of my bestie) and gloria jeans coffees (our family favourite). It took me many months to get it to all come together but in the end it did and i hope that one day we can look back on Xavier's first birthday party and go WOW.

I will leave you with some of the birthday boys pictures:

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