Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lovely Lunch

{What's for lunch Mum}


It's been a while since I last blogged but boy have things been busy around here. This is a brief look at what I have been up to in the last few weeks.

1. A poor little man with very sore gums

2. Planning a "Ninja Party" for a very special soon to be 6 year old

3. Designing my new business logo

4. Putting together "client welcome packs"...I have another wedding booked (YAY!!)

5. Catching up with friends and family

and most of all spending time with the most important people in my boys 

Something else I have been working on is creating beautiful food for my boys and presenting in a fun way so they enjoy eating it, whilst still eating all the healthy stuff too.
I still vividly remember my school lunches. My mum put so much effort into it and it's not until I have had my own children that I realised how lucky I was, mind you at the time I thought I was deprived because i didn't get to have packets of chips or roll ups like the other kids.
I guess I knew I was on the right track with Lachlan when he said to me
"I have the BEST lunches ever"...
I also find the mornings can be a bit hectic for us so I try to have it organized the night before and I freeze his wraps/croissants/cheese and bacon rolls so I don't have to make them of a morning.

Here is a peak at what Mr L. has for his lunches.

Some how all of that is packed into his little top gear case and off he goes. At school they always have a separate piece of fruit and they have that for "fruit snack" at school at about 10am. He loves his tinned pears and mandarins at the moment.

Will be back later to show you all my new business logo.

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