Thursday, March 31, 2011

One on One

Since Lachlan has started school I have been feeling like we don't get enough time to just hang out together. I designated last weekend as our "one on one weekend" with both of the boys. 
On Saturday Graham spent some time with Lachlan and they went to see "Rango", Xavier and i...well we get to spend everyday together so i thought i would indulge in a little bit of shopping. 
On Sunday Graham took Xavie for a babychino and i took my big boy to the beach. It was so incredibly windy and normally i would have said "let's go somewhere out of this wind" but Lachlan had the biggest smile on his face, he was so happy standing in the wind looking out at the water, so i just went with it. We ran along the beach and tried not to get blown over, we did lots of exploring and we wrote in the sand together. 
Everywhere i go i take my trusty camera, i went to grab it before we left and Lachlan said "oh mum not the camera". I adore taking photos of the boys but i obviously needed a new angle with Lachlan now. Instead i grabbed the little point and shoot camera and told Lachlan that he was in charge of taking the photos today. He LOVED it and it was great for me to see the world through my 5 year olds eyes. 
We had a brilliant weekend and we are going to make our "one on one" times a monthly event. 
What's next? A "Can of Dates" of course :) 

I <3 this boy

Our Shadows <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Memory Board

We have a special place for our keys to hang at home (yet i still manage to loose them on a daily basis). 
This spot was beginning to look a bit boring and i wanted to make it a bit more personal. I set about making a "Memory Board". 
I found lots of great tutorials on YouTube to help.
This is what I used:
1. A cork board
2. About 1.5 meters of material- Cut to size
3. Ribbon
4. Press pins
5. Staple Gun
6. Hooks

Some time out at the beach.

We all woke up a bit grumpy this morning. Lachlan had his first ever school diso last night, Xavie is cutting his second tooth and Graham and I are feeling a bit tired too. We decided to head to the beach for some fresh air. It was too cold to swim (and too polluted) but we soaked up the sun and had lots of fun.

Once again i had my camera around my neck and took plenty of photos. How could i not take heaps of photos of these gorgeous boys?

My cheeky little man

He makes my world go round
My gorgeous boy is growing up too fas